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Thursday 28 April 2011

MMR causes Measles!

The MMR vaccine, given to children for measles, can actually cause measles! So is the parental decision to vaccinate or not so difficult? 

One case arose in Illinois, USA; where 17 high school student came down with measles even though 99% had received the MMR vaccine.

The other case arose in Texas, USA, where 14 students contracted measles after the MMR vaccination.

But the real argument against MMR is not that it can cause the very disease that purports to treat. It is not even that the vaccine does not really work in offering us immunity. Or indeed that the MMR vaccine is strongly associated with serious disease-inducing-effects (DIEs), like Autism. It is because measles is not really a serious disease!

Before drug companies wanted to sell us the MMR vaccine, measles was considered to be a minor, self-limiting childhood disease. Parents actually wanted their children to contract the disease, naturally, in order for them to develop a lifetime immunity to it. Parents actually organised 'measles' parties for their children. But how do drug companies sell a drug, or a vaccine? They demonise the disease, they make parents fearful.

Mumps as another disease that has been demonised - in order to sell the MMR vaccine. This taken from my e-book, 'The Failure of Conventional Medicine'.

Mumps was described thus in the MacMillan Guide to Family Health, published in 1982.

"A fairly common risk of mumps is the swelling of testes in a boy or the ovaries in a girl. This is much more common in an adult. Invariably the swelling goes down after a few days leaving no ill effects. It is excessively rare for the swelling to cause sterility. A rare complication is acute pancreatitis which passes within a few days. Mumps is generally a mild disease. The usual outcome is complete recovery within about 10 days".

Compare this to the description in British Medical Association Complete Family Health Encyclopaedia published in 1995.

"Mumps is an acute viral illness mainly of childhood. Serious complications are uncommon. However, in teenage and adult males, mumps can be a highly uncomfortable illness in which one of both testes become inflamed and swollen. Most infections are acquired at school or from infected family members. In the US, where many states required proof of mumps vaccination for school entry, the incidence has dropped markedly over the last 20 years. In the U.K. by contrast, before routine immunisation was introduced in 1988, mumps affected a large proportion of the population at sometime in their lives, usually between the ages of 5 and 10. An occasional complication of mumps is meningitis. A less common complication of mumps is pancreatitis which causes abdominal pain and vomiting. In males after puberty, orchitis (inflammation of the testes) develops in about a quarter of the cases. Subsequently the affected testis may shrink to smaller than normal size. In rare cases, mumps orchitis affects both testes leading to infertility".

The MMR vaccine perhaps one of the biggest Con Tricks yet perpetrated by Conventional Medical Establishment, supported, of course, by the Big Pharma companies.